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Giving Back

“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.” 

- Ben Carson



Nicole is a big believer in the benefits of giving.


She offers pro bono media and communications support to select community groups and charities, including the Heart and Lung Transplant Foundation of WA which supports West Australians awaiting life-saving heart and lung transplants.

For Nicole, her commitment to the Heart and Lung Transplant Foundation of WA is deeply personal.

The foundation was established by her mother Yvonne Bali, a double lung transplant recipient, in 2004 after she successfully lobbied the Western Australian Government for a lung transplant unit in WA.

Since then the foundation has offered support to patients and carers; and fundraises for the provision of hospital equipment for Fiona Stanley Hospital.

Nicole brings a wealth of media and communications experience to the foundation and works to showcase the foundation’s important and valued work for West Australians awaiting life-saving transplants, recipients and their families.

Another of Nicole’s treasured pro bono projects has been media relations for A Mitch Gillam Project, a community group founded by Perth woman Sue Gillam after the death of her son Mitch in Bali, Indonesia in 2010.

Sue and her supporters have made very real differences to some of Bali’s poorest communities through the construction of a community centre in Seraya and sponsorship for building materials to build better housing across the mountainous region.

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